How to do the test AKABANE

Traditional Chinese acupuncture (TCA) is based on the theory of energy equilibrium in harmony with the universe. Acupuncture points play a key role in regulating this vital energy of human life. The concept of TCА is based on the interconnectedness of the skin's surface and the internal organs. The basis of this ancient knowledge is the teaching of acupuncture energy channels (AC), which are presented on the human body as a chain of points. Every AC is associated with a specific organ or physiological system and is responsible for distributing and regulating the energy within them. In turn, the 12 main ACs form the system of the 5 Elements (Fig. 1), which are responsible for the general balance of energy distribution in the body through stimulating and inhibiting interactions between the organs.



According to a number of researchers, in terms of its principles this five-point system of regulation is one of the most accomplished  and well-known in modern technology. From a modern viewpoint, the notion of "energy" for this system is equivalent to "the activity level of a specific organ or physiological system". Traditionally, the level of energy (activity) is characterised by two notions. These are "fullness", which corresponds to the hyperactivity of an organ, and "emptiness", which corresponds to an organ's inactivity.

In order to quantitatively evaluate a channel's activity level in TCM, the so-called "sacrificial stick" test was used in ancient times in China. This involved a burning sandal stick which in time with the pulse was brought to an "in-out" point until the first sensation of pain. This point exists at each channel and is located in areas which are easy to access and test, such as the nail roots of fingers and toes (Fig. 2). At each point, the number of passes before pain was first felt were counted up. If the number of passes was less than the average number of passes for all the channels, it showed the hyperactivity of an acupuncture channel and its corresponding organ. On the other hand, when the number of passes was greater, it represented the inactivity of an organ and its corresponding organ in relation to the number of passes. This test was described by the Japanese doctor Koben Akabane (1) in 1952. Since then, the test has bore his name.  In order to measure pain sensitivity thresholds (STs), a special certified device called a "Chi master" sends heat impulses to the points through a special infrared diode  and the energy expended is calculated in  joules. The increased accuracy of evaluation using STs and the repeated accuracy of the method is associated with the fact that as humans are warm-blooded creatures, they have a highly-developed system for measuring temperature, down to one-hundredths of a degree.

In order to assess AC activity, we used 24 standard distal zones, which are traditionally examined in acupuncture to evaluate the channels.  These distal AC are on the ends of fingers and toes and are more widely represented in the central nervous system than proximal AC. Theoretically, therefore, their STs parameters should reflect a greater volume of information regarding the condition of an organism at the level of specific organs and physiological systems.

From the point of view of modern physiology, consistently defining thresholds of temperature sensitivity in specific points on the hands and feet through the test AKABANE we evaluate the functional state of the autonomic nervous system, and through it- various organs. To correct the condition of the body we use impact, such Moksa on certain individually calculated point For evaluation and correction of the state are built individual model assessment on the server using regression, NGO, SVM

According to classical Eastern literature, as well as our study results, the following channels have different regulatory functions: Fig. 2 The topography of diagnostic points и их связи:

(LU11) - the lungs channel, connected with the function of lung and tissue breathing.

(LI1) – the large intestine channel, associated with the function of the large intestine and its microbe flora. It also participates in the regulation of arterial pressure and blood biochemical indices.

(PC9) - the pericardium channel, associated with cardiac muscle trophicity and its structure. It is also connected with muscular activity, arterial blood pressure levels and emotions.


(TH1) - the triple heater channel, associated with central and peripheral hemodynamics and body energy consumption. It also regulates the hormones in the body, as well as the thyroid and pituitary glands.

(HT9) - the heart channel, regulates the cardiac rhythm and the body’s physical strength.

(Si1)- small intestine channel  associated with the body's electrolytic balance and food digestion.

(SP1)- spleen-pancreas channel associated with the pancreas and the immune system.

(Liv1)- liver channel associated with liver function and the central nervous system, as well as stress levels.

(ST45) -  stomach channel  associated with digestive function.

(GB44) - channel of gallbladder  associated with digestive function and the peripheral nervous system.

(Ki1) - kidney channel, associated with kidney function and the adrenal glands.

(Bl67) - urinary bladder channel, associated with the urogenital system, its functions and its related hormones.

As can be seen from this short list, as well as their basic association with a certain organ or physiological system, each AC can also reflect the body's various physiological and biochemical indicators. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) states that: 1. Each AC reflects the activity of certain organs or physiological systems. 2. Each channel has two branches, the left and the right , and in a healthy person they are in a state of energetic balance with slight (up to +-30%) asymmetry. As a result of the test, which takes 3-5 minutes, we obtain a numerical scale of AC activity and the organs associated with them.


1. Main principle – “Test – treatment – test” The most effective way of working with the MERID is to perform a test first, interpret the measurement data based on the patient’s model of pathology, perform a test treatment and carry out a control test in 30-40 minutes to estimate the efficiency of this influence. Thus, the response of the organism makes it possible to verify your judgments and treatment strategy concerning a specific patient. Always take care of having a comfortable environment when testing a patient, as he/she must concentrate on his/her sensations. When testing, do not talk to the patient; let the patient sit with a small support under his/her feet. Place cloths under the tested person’s legs and arms to provide better thermal insulation. All test points are located in the corner of a nail root, 2-3 mm apart from the nail wall. Do not worry about missing a point by a few mm – you will get the same results, as the invisible IR beam will enter this channel in any case.

2. Scout test Always perform a so-called scout test before measuring the first point. Place the IR pen on the back of the patient’s hand, on an intact point-free place. Press and wait until the patient feels the pain sensation. Repeat the scout test, using the patient’s other hand. Thus, we can adjust the intensity of IR power to an individually optimal level. Starting the measurement procedure with a scout test is also important for the patient to get used to the sensation. The patient’s pain limit must be observed regularly, for example between thermal pulses 5 and 10. If more pulses are needed to trigger a pain sensation, e.g. in case the patient’s hands and feet are cold, it is necessary to increase the IR light intensity level. On a hot day, however, when the channels are influenced by the Yang-factor, the average number of testing pulses decreases, and it will be difficult to estimate small asymmetries. In this case, it is necessary to decrease the IR light intensity level.

3. Changing the level of IR power Option 1: Measuring with IR power adjustment If the result of the scout test shows that you have to adjust the IR power, use the MEASURE mode by selecting MEASURE in the MAIN MENU. Note: when “scout testing”, the first measurement points are shown on the device display. Press to return to “start”. At this point, all scout measurements will be deleted and you will able to start measuring in full compliance with the traditional order, starting from “scratch”. A second scout test should be performed when you have reached the feet channels, as the sensations here can be different and the patient must get used to these sensations as well. After performing “scout tests” on the back of both feet, return to the SI-right point by pressing and proceed with the measurement procedure for the feet points. Option 2: Standard measurement with fixed parameters Most of your patients have a normal sensitivity to temperature as well as a heart rate close to 60. In these cases, if you want to perform a quick test without additional adjustments to power and heart rate, select MEASURE ST in the MAIN MENU. In this mode, a fixed IR power level of 70% and heart rate of 60 beats/min are set.

4. Control test After treatment, it is necessary to wait for at least 20-30 minutes before you can perform a control test with the MERID. Note: when treating the Bl-channel, please wait for at least 30 - 40 min, as the speed of a stable response is proportional to the number of points on the channel, and this channel has the largest number of points (67). If the control test shows that the expected result has not been obtained at once, you can repeat IR-treatment until the control test shows an essential change of the situation for the better. Sometimes, after the first treatment procedure, the picture of the control test changes radically; you do not see any of the expected positive changes in the channels you treated. This can be observed in cases, when there was a great energy imbalance and after the energetic system of the organism requires more time for reorganization after treatment. In this case, the control test should be repeated in 20 - 30 min.

5. Measurement of energy by the Yang-factor Yin and Yang energy exist in every channel. IR-light is related to the element of Fire, therefore our probing source is in fact pure Yang energy, used to check the stability of Yin energy in each channel. High values of the pain limit (PL) show a LOW level of Yang energy with available Yin energy of high power. Low values of the pain limit are indicative of a HIGH Yang energy level and a low Yin energy level. Originally, the Fire channels have the highest Yang level and the water channels have the highest Yin level. This process is illustrated by the following figure. In the first case, the channel is characterized by a high Yin energy of cold. 25 Thermal (Yang) pulses are required to melt this ice and develop a pain burn in a tested point. In the second case, the channel, e.g. in the Fire element, does not have any Yin energy and there is only Yang. Therefore, after only 5 testing pulses, the point of the pain sensitivity limit is reached.

6. Interpretation of energy levels. The device can be set to operate at various levels of IR light intensity: Measurements at 70% or 80% IR power show a low pain limit index. MEASURE ST mode – 5-10 pulses at 60% IR power, MEASURE mode > 15 pulses at 50% IR power. or 20 pulses at 40% IR power. Measurements with a low level of light intensity show a higher pain limit index. Attention: The absolute value of the pain limit index is not important. However, relative values are of significance: PL index absolute value to average value ratio, right to left PL index value ratio, and also some specific coefficients of the indices ratios within the limits of the test.

Initially, it is better to examine at a lower energy level, which gives you a clearer vision of all details of pathology. Control testing can be performed best in the MEASURE ST mode. The real pain sensation is easily in error of ± 1 pulse. Pathology is indicated by more than 30% changes in the sensitivity limits of the left and right branches of the channels. Pathologic asymmetry in the channels’ branches is to be distinguished from physiologic asymmetry. This asymmetry is connected with food intake, sexual activity, sleep etc. As a rule, it is less pronounced, has an unstable character, and disappears over time or after a slight scout influence.

• Non Invasive Diagnostic and Treatment using heat (IR)

• Adapting theory and more 1000 years of practice of TCM principles

• Measure, Analyze, Recommend the individual programs of acupuncture points treatment

• High correlation between measurements and physiological conditions

• Balancing the Energy at the Meridians helps the body to heal faster itself

• device stop treatment when pain threshold achieved

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