Monitoring of patients with diabetes mellitus
Studies of patients with diabetes, we started with 1998. This was one case...
In the summer of 1998, I had an opportunity to give a seminar on this subject in Studgard, Germany. During the seminar over 30 of the attending practitioners agreed to be subjected to the testing procedure. The results, shown by one of the men, attracted my attention, since the parameter value of his MPr was equal to 84, while the number of testing pulses for the RP was 16. From our conversation I got to know that he had been suffering from I-type pancreatic diabetes for 20 years and was given big insulin doses, however, at that moment he had problems with regulation of the level of sugar in his blood. But for his high blood sugar level, we might have ignored this most interesting subject. Much depends on a mere chance. With his tests at our disposal, knowing that this type of asymmetry between the branches can be corrected, we carried out medical intervention. Since the patient also suffered from the ‘syndrome of cold feet’ and, according to his own words, had not been able to get his feet warm for years, we applied the intervention with modulated infrared radiation to other channels apart from the MPr channel. As far as I remember, the initial intervention lasted over 10 minutes, as the channels were almost ‘empty’. About 30 minutes after the intervention had started the patient felt intensive warming-up in the area of both feet and shins, accompanied by a pleasant vibration sensation, which spread as far as the abdomen lower chakra. We have also registered the decrease of the sugar level without any insulin injection. We repeated this procedure during the next two days and succeeded in evening out the main manifestations of the disease.
On arriving in St Petersburg, still under the impression of that case, we decided to study the problem of pancreatic diabetes (PD) more closely. With this purpose in mind, we arranged and carried out the testing of patients while their venous blood was being taken for the biochemical analysis. By the winter of 1999 we have already tested over 180 patients. The preliminary computation of the tests gave amazing results. The reader must have noticed that earlier we were mostly interested in pathology of the essential genesis, whose nature and origin are not quite clear to contemporary medicine. Thus, we studied essential hypertension, the sinus node weakness syndrome, and the WPW syndrome. We chose that approach particularly because eastern medicine could solve the problems for which contemporary western medicine had no issue. Besides in the course of our research we gave a workout to the universal methodological approach to pathology mathematical modeling at the channel level.
Today, we have examined and treated over 900 patients with diabetes mellitus. In patients with type 1 diabetes we do address the impact on the B- cells. Such exposure helps to reduce the blood sugar level on average by 20-30%, reduce the dose of insulin and to improve the quality of life. However, such an effect is particularly effective if there is partial activity B- cells. If the B-cells are completely suppressed – we to do impact is on other channels, which are determined using an individual regression.
A report to 25 Congress on diabetes in Dubai 06.12.17
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Recent international publications:
52. Muzhikov, V.; Vershinina, E.; Belenky, V.; Muzhikov, R. Significant Heat Sensitivity Increase Detected in Various Types of Diabetes Mellitus Patients by Akabane Test for Use of Management of Diabetic Patients 1. Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research. Vol. 41, pp 1 – 19, 2016.
53.Muzhikov, V.; Vershinina, E.; Belenky, V.; Muzhikov, R. Comparative Assessment of the Heart’s Functioning by Using the Akabane Test and Classical Methods of Instrumental Examination Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 10 (2017) pp. 171-179.
54.Valery Muzhikov1*, Elena Vershinina2, Ruslan Muzhikov3 System of Thermopuncture Diagnostics and Monitoring of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes . J Altern Complement Integr Med 2017, 3: pp.2-7 DOI: 10.24966/ACIM-7562/100036
55. Valery Muzhikov, Elena Vershinina. Possibilities of the Akabane test for monitoring and correcting diabetic patients. J Diabetes Metab 2017, 8:11 (Suppl) 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo, December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE. DOI: 10.4172/2155-6156-C1-075. ( )
56. Valery Muzhikova, , Elena Vershininab, , Vadim Belenkyc , Ruslan Muzhikovd. Assessing the links between anthropometrics data and Akabane test results. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies.